Log your flights in 6 quick steps
Keep your flight
logs safe
Free cloud syncing included
Flight experience is one of the most valuable professional assets for pilots!
How do you keep your logs up-to-date?Have you ever lost any flight log before?
Easily keep track of your flight experience and be ready for any job opportunity.
With Wader’s FREE cloud syncing you will keep your logbook always safe and available anytime and anywhere.
Smart features and quick action buttons
Save time and reduce workload
Set your logbook preferences, import data from your Operational Flight Plan (OFP), discover shortcuts and quick action buttons to assist you.
All these feature allow you to automatically fill-up information and save time in daily flight logging.
WADER is more than a LOGBOOK...
Stop swiping between apps
Follow up the latest weather information for all airports involved in your flight.
Easily identify significant weather with the color-coded highlights.
Keep track of your operational history and save relevant information via personal notes for each destination.
You can make
a difference
Come be a part of something way
bigger than just a logbook
Download the app and start today!
Safety information
as easy as a tweet...
Collaboration is key
Wader is a powerful safety tool, making it possible to spread news and alerts real-time in
a social network environment.
Get access to crowdsourced airport data and check operational statistics and identified threats.
Be notified immediately whenever a safety alert for one of your favorite airports is broadcast.
Stay tuned on what is happening in aviation!
Extra tools will make your life easier
Everything at your fingertips
Easily export and share your logbook in PDF format.
Don’t let any flight experience behind by manually inserting your past flight hours using the Previous Experience feature.
Keep your on-time performance by tracking the EOBT and your tasks with a personalized preflight checklist.
Flying long-haul? Calculate your rest interval easily with the Rest Calculator.
And much more! We are constantly developing new tools and gadgets.